Превод текста

Kontra K - Sonne Превод текста

Serbian Align paragraphs


Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
[Part 1]
Godinama mi je tempo trista na sat
Previše konjskih snaga i ne mislim na usrani auto
Previše hajpa, ali nažalost sve to ni za šta
Čoveče, previše napisanih hitova, ali ništa od toga smislenog
Sve gangsteri sa ulica
A imaju više obezbeđenja od ljudi ispred bine
Moji obožavaoci su poput vojnika
Jer četrnaest hiljada ljudi po gradu deli vrednosti koje osećam, čoveče
Koja slika? To je zvuk koji mi se sviđa
Zato bolje pazite šta govorite
Ne pričam u intervjuima već u svojim pesmama
I plaćam svaku reč svojom krvlju
Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
[Part 2]
U vašoj zavisti postojim, a ne u vašoj ljubavi
Ali bez najamnine živim u vašoj glavi
Postojim za svoju ekipu jer ih podstičem
A sve ove laži nisu naš posao
Čvrsto držim noge na tlu
Ne verujte u svoju realnost, već u Božiju
Teško je zabaviti se za moje ciljeve, a brate, šta drugo?
I nikoga nema da to zaustavi
Smešno je kako se karakter menja kada se ima novca
Zlatni hronografi postaju vaš pogled na svet
Ali ja ne zezam tvoje sledbenike niti imam lažne klikove
Dok dišem, ostaću takav kakav jesam
Gubim se u pisanju rima
Tada podižem pogled prema suncu
Zvuk se uključuje u vašem pravcu
Zatim ponovo zaigraj otpočetka
Čoveče, ne mogu te čuti
Zato uštedi svoje reči
Imam svoje ljude
Već imam ovde dovoljno svojih ljudi
Malo prljavštine
Ali sa punim srcem
Umesto stare mržnje
Draga lojalnost
To malo loše sreće
I premalo ljubavi
Čini upornost vrednom
Ne čini čoveka novac koji je ovde

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The Enemy

My youth was but a tempest, dark and savage,
Through which, at times, a dazzling sun would shoot
The thunder and the rain have made such ravage
My garden is nigh bare of rosy fruit.

Now I have reached the Autumn of my thought,
And spade and rake must toil the land to save,
That fragments of my flooded fields be sought
From where the water sluices out a grave.

Who knows if the new flowers my dreams prefigure,
In this washed soil should find, as by a sluit,
The mystic nourishment to give them vigour?

Time swallows up our life, O ruthless rigour!
And the dark foe that nibbles our heart's root,
Grows on our blood the stronger and the bigger!


The day you and this planet disappeared

Trapped inside a steel cage, a pair of deep blue eyes
Stuck in this rotten world, where we were born
My heart was shut ice cold, the sky gray full of ash
Even so, I got to meet you

Your silver locks of hair were suddenly dyed red
We held so tightly in a warm embrace
My only purpose was protecting you, but still
Even so, you became a star

The lights they shine as bright as dying stars
I shall forget about you and this universe
'Please answer me' My voice hoarse as I call you
And my feelings, forever washed away

I walk under the sky caressed by the cold rain
Cut through the barren land, sharp as a blade
As if the countless stars were washed away by blood
That was the day you disappeared

The lights they shine as bright as dying stars
I shall forget about you and this universe
'Please answer me' My voice hoarse as I call you
And my feelings, forever washed away

So please forget, forget we ever met
And let me hear you and all of the stars above
'Please answer me' My voice hoarse as I call you
And my feelings, forever washed away

Please answer me...

Please look for me...

As we embrace I let out all my strength
And let the light engulf all that we know
Even my feelings will be washed away


When you go on a trip

When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
What is important?
What is important?

When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
Who is the person you love?
What is the thing you love?

Every time I meet myself
Everything passes
What is the thing that remains?

When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
Every time I meet myself
That's why I'm a little scared

When you go on a trip, you sometimes realize
I want to meet myself
Today, I'm going on a trip again

Why do you show your face here?
Why do I remember those words here?
There are so many things I don't understand
I don't understand 'myself' the most
That's why I go on a trip

What is important?
Who is the person I love?


Like there are stars in the sky

Like there are stars in the sky
Like there's sand on the beach
There's only one thing in my heart
I had a small dream

Like the wind blowing east
Like the river flowing
With the passage of time
My one and only small dream has vanished

Lonely, lonely, staring at the stars
Alone, alone, covered in tears
Everything everything is
Although it's over
Everything around me
Although it has disappeared

Like a light rain in spring
Like dead leaves falling in autumn
It seems like everyone has that
It's just a change of seasons